Handling gantry 12 – 18 t

Handling gantry 12 - 18 t haacon
Lifting gantry 258/A: Carrying capacity -18t. It is driven electrically and moves up to a height of 100mm. It has a combination of load, unload, and it is movable. .
起重龙门258 /:承载能力- 18T。它是由电驱动并移动到一个高度为100mm。它有一个结合的负载,卸载,它是活动的。。
Lifting gantry 258/B: Carrying capacity -12t. It is driven electrically and moves up to a height of 100mm. It has a combination of load, unload, and it is movable.
起重龙门258 / B:承载能力12t。它是由电驱动并移动到一个高度为100mm。它有一个结合的负载,卸载,它是活动的。

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