Trailer landing gear 10 – 20 t | S/VK800

Trailer landing gear 10 - 20 t | S/VK800 haacon
The S/VK800 is manufactured by Haacon Group, and is a trailer landing gear for drawbar trailers. It is a telescopic drop type, with a maximum (active) load of 10 t, and a maximum (fixed) load of 20 t. There is also a ball-joint foot that provides adaptability to off balance surface..
S / vk800 haacon集团生产的,是一种牵引拖车拖车的起落架。这是一个可伸缩的降型,具有最大的(主动)10吨负载,和最大的(固定的)20吨的负荷也有一个球关节的脚,失去平衡的表面提供了适应性的。
The series have full length welded back plate, high stiffness and low weight.

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